day 5: a day (or more) of rest
“I am just a tiny person in Africa, but there is a place for me, and for everybody, to sit down on this earth and touch it and call it their own.” ~Alexander McCall Smith, The No. 1 Ladies' Dectective Agency
day 4: the finished painting
So many color value choices. I could've turned up the warm color tones a notch to give the painting more heat; but this is good too. The strong & long shadows suggest very late afternoon. I think the addition of the patch of grass/bottom left helps to direct the viewer's eye from place-to-place.
This painting is for sale in my online store (with more photos too):
day 3: creating the pre-painting composition (using Adobe Photoshop)
After cropping the image, I kept tweaking it to bring out the vibrancy of colors.
day 2: capturing the selected image
This is such a lovely & timeless scene, and one I almost missed because I was moving along the road so quickly. I think it was the bright red umbrella that caught my eye and prompted me to double-back and around again. Funny how our special places call to us...
day 1: planning the destination
We are going back to Southern Africa to check out the lovely & lively town of Gabarone made so wonderfully vivid in the novels by Alexander McCall Smith: